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Age Friendly Homes Website

Age Friendly Homes Homepage

Age Friendly Homes website is a joint initiative by The Housing Agency and Age Friendly Ireland, the Department of Health and Department of Housing, Local Government and Heritage. The website contains an array of resources, guidance and links to other sources of information to support people to live well as they age. There you will find information on new and existing homes, grants and funding, healthcare, design information, technology, public realm, regulations, policy and research. Age Friendly Homes aims to provide a a one-stop shop for Age Friendly Housing in Ireland..

Our task was to create an engaging and accessible website with an inclusive user experience (UX) and intuitive navigation. The design aims to appeal to a diverse range of audiences, including older people, healthcare workers, architects, designers, policy makers, and researchers. The navigation paths were optimised to bring visitors to the desired content without imposing any restrictive user flows. The Resources section can be browsed by topics landing pages or filtered by topic & type in the Resource Hub.

The website’s bespoke design is responsive across mobile and desktop devices. It was developed in WordPress, leveraging HTML 5, JavaScript, Rest API, and the latest Bootstrap 5 framework.

We worked with Martin and Karina in Neo-Archaic to develop the website. They were very easy to work with. They took the time to ensure they understood our requirements and worked collaboratively with us to ensure they were achieved. They were very responsive, flexible and engaged in the project from the outset. Martin and Karina took the time to answer all of questions quickly and thoroughly and provided excellent support throughout the entire process. Neo-Archaic delivered an attractive and easy-to-use website that we are very pleased with.

The Housing Agency Logo - Full Colour
Sarah Kennedy

The Housing Agency


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